It seems like the summer is over for this year. On a walk a week a go I took the following pictures; all signs of a new season coming.
What I really love about the autumn is its colourfulness; red, yellow and bright orange, clear blue skies and warm earthy browns. Accompanied by the sense of expectation that everyone has and the cold and crisp air, it all makes up for a time to love and cherish the nature.
And I promise you that we do! Picking berries, fruit and mushrooms, harvesting and baking applecrumble are all activities that are part of the Swedish autumn.

Ok, I eat more berries and mushrooms than I pick...But I do make pies!
And I really enjoy spending time outdoors, as always. This weekend I'll go on a trekk with my dad in Femundsmarka, Norway. Hopefully we'll experience some bright colours and see some cool animals. I'll get back to you with pictures and the story some time next week...